Επιβατικά ΙΧ: Τα τέλη κυκλοφορίας 2011
Επιβατικά αυτοκίνητα ΙΧ με ημερομηνία ταξινόμησης στην Ελλάδα έως 31-10-2010, με βάση τα κυβικά του κινητήρα:
Α. Εως 300 cc ................ 20 €
Β. 301 cc - 785 cc .......... 50 €
Γ. 786 cc - 1071 cc ........ 110 €
Δ. 1072 cc - 1357 cc ...... 120 €
Ε. 1358 cc - 1548 cc ...... 220 €
ΣΤ. 1549 cc - 1738 cc .... 240 €
Ζ. 1739 cc - 1928 cc ...... 270 €
Η. 1929 cc - 2357 cc ...... 600 €
Θ. 2358 cc - 3000 cc ...... 800 €
Ι. 3001 cc - 4000 cc ....... 1000 €
Κ. 4001 cc και άνω ........ 1200 €
Επιβατικά αυτοκίνητα ΙΧ με ημερομηνία ταξινόμησης στην Ελλάδα από 1-11-2010, με βάση τις εμπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (gr CO2 / km) όπως αναγράφονται στην άδεια κυκλοφορίας του αυτοκινήτου:
Γραμμάρια CO2 / χλμ Ετήσια τέλη σε € / gr
0 gr - 100 gr ........................... 0 €
101 gr - 120 gr ....................... 0,8 €
121 gr - 140 gr ....................... 1,0 €
141 gr - 160 gr ....................... 1,5 €
161 gr - 180 gr ....................... 2,0 €
181 gr - 200 gr ....................... 2,25 €
201 gr - 250 gr ....................... 2,5 €
Άνω των 251 gr ...................... 3,0 €
Σύνδεσμος Εμπόρων Αυτοκινήτων: Δελτίο Τύπου γιά τα Τέλη Κυκλοφορίας 2011
H προσαρμογή των τελών κυκλοφορίας, δεν θεωρούμε ότι είναι σημαντική ώστε να αποτελέσει κίνητρο για την αντικατάσταση των παλαιάς τεχνολογίας ρυπογόνων αυτοκινήτων.
Ασφαλώς δεν εξασφαλίζουν την προσαρμογή της αγοράς του αυτοκινήτου που βρίσκεται σε ελεύθερη πτώση.
Ο σύνδεσμός μας έχει κατ’ επανάληψη προβάλλει το μεγάλο πρόβλημα που δημιουργεί ο μειωμένος ρυθμός απόσυρσης από την κυκλοφορία των παλαιών αυτοκινήτων με επιπτώσεις στο περιβάλλον και στην οδική ασφάλεια.
Ο προσδιορισμός των τελών κυκλοφορίας με περιβαλλοντικά κριτήρια σε συνδυασμό με κίνητρα αντικατάστασης των παλαιών αυτοκινήτων, θα αποτελούσε μια πιο ολοκληρωμένη λύση.
Ζητούμε λοιπόν την επανεξέταση της «απόσυρσης» για την στήριξη της αγοράς των δημοσίων εσόδων, την βελτίωση του περιβάλλοντος και της οδικής ασφάλειας.
Γραφείο Τύπου ΣΕΕΑΕ
Σύνδεσμος Εμπόρων Εισαγωγέων Αυτοκινήτων Ελλάδος
Ασφαλώς δεν εξασφαλίζουν την προσαρμογή της αγοράς του αυτοκινήτου που βρίσκεται σε ελεύθερη πτώση.
Ο σύνδεσμός μας έχει κατ’ επανάληψη προβάλλει το μεγάλο πρόβλημα που δημιουργεί ο μειωμένος ρυθμός απόσυρσης από την κυκλοφορία των παλαιών αυτοκινήτων με επιπτώσεις στο περιβάλλον και στην οδική ασφάλεια.
Ο προσδιορισμός των τελών κυκλοφορίας με περιβαλλοντικά κριτήρια σε συνδυασμό με κίνητρα αντικατάστασης των παλαιών αυτοκινήτων, θα αποτελούσε μια πιο ολοκληρωμένη λύση.
Ζητούμε λοιπόν την επανεξέταση της «απόσυρσης» για την στήριξη της αγοράς των δημοσίων εσόδων, την βελτίωση του περιβάλλοντος και της οδικής ασφάλειας.
Γραφείο Τύπου ΣΕΕΑΕ
Σύνδεσμος Εμπόρων Εισαγωγέων Αυτοκινήτων Ελλάδος
Ρεπορτάζ από την Γερμανία: Μεταχειρισμένα Smart ForTwo Coupe & Cabrio στη αγορά και στις αγγελίες -και τιμές
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2005
Μερικά από τα πολλά Smart ForTwo Coupe & Cabrio που πωλούνται στην Γερμανική Αγορά -και τιμές:
SMART ForTwo black, Registration date: 09/1999, 123.984 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 2.200 EUR
SMART fortwo Bluemotion, blue, Registration date: 01.10.99, 145.252 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 2.250 EUR
SMART FORTWO KLIMA / PANORAMA / ALU Coupe, white, Registration date: 01.07.02, 108.191 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 3.280 EUR
SMART Fortwo| AUTOMATIK | KLIMA | PANORAMA, black, Registration date: 07/2000, 78.300 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 3.999 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2005
SMART ForTwo Passion Cabrio Sportec Convertible, blue, Registration date: 12/2002, 118.000 km, 76 HP, Petrol, 3.999 EUR
SMART fortwo coupe softtouch pure, black, Registration date: 03/2004, 58.336 km, 50 HP, Petrol, 4.495 EUR
SMART ForTwo passion Aut./Klima/Navi/Alu, silver, Registration date: 01/2002, 55.800 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 4.880 EUR
SMART fortwo cabrio Pure Klima Convertible, red, Registration date: 04/2003, 84.500 km, 61 HP, Petrol, 4.900 EUR
Smart ForTwo 2005
SMART fortwo coupe pure, black, Registration date: 01.02.07, 54.000 km, 50 HP, Petrol, 5.690 EUR
SMART Fortwo Cabrio Passion Halbautomatik Convertible, silver, Registration date: 01.06.04, 66.900 km, 61 HP, Petrol, 6.250 EUR
SMART ForTwo BRABUS 1st Edition Convertible, black, Registration date: 04/2003, 95.000 km, 75 HP, Petrol, 6.888 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe Glasdach, black, Registration date: 04/2007, 34.000 km,.71 HP, Petrol, 7.451 EUR
SMART fortwo coupé pure Autom./HiFi, red, Registration date: 04/2007, 26.300 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 7.990 EUR
Smart ForTwo Cabrio 2005
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pure Coupe, red, Registration date: 07/2009, 13.806 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 8.250 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pure, silver, Registration date: 06/2009, 12.912 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 8.250 EUR
SMART smart fortwo cabrio softtouch BRABUS, Convertible, silver, Registration date: 07/2005, 73.500 km, 75 HP, Petrol, 8.300 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pure Coupe, red, Registration date: 09/2009, 7.408 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 8.490 EUR
Smart ForTwo Cabrio 2005
SMART fortwo coupe passion LEDER KLIMA, white, Registration date: 06/2007, 41.272 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 8.780 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe Passion Sedan, grey, Registration date: 04/2009, 21.070 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 8.999 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Passion Coupe, red, Registration date: 07/2009, 7.080 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.150 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe Passion Soundsystem, blue, Registration date: 06/2009, 8.217 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 9.250 EUR
SMART Fortwo MHD Micro Hybrid Coupe Passion, blue, Registration date: 07/2009, 5.268 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.499 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe & Cabrio 2007
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Passion, silver, Registration date: 02/2010, 6.453 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.550 EUR
SMART fortwo coupe passion KLIMA, grey, Registration date: 06/2009, 8.750 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.850 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Coupe, green, Registration date: 09/2009, 7.999 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 2-doors 9.999 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pulse, black, Registration date: 05/2009, 9.973 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 10.299 EUR
SMART fortwo coupe passion KLIMA, white, Registration date: 06/2009, 9.600 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 10.780 EUR
Smart ForTwo 2007
SMART fortwo Passion Coupe, grey, Registration date: 04/2010, 50 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 11.250 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Cabrio Passion Convertible, silver, Registration date: 06/2009, 8.302 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 11.399 EUR
SMART fortwo Cabrio PASSION Convertible, white, Registration date: 04/2010, 3.500 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 11.950 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe 1,0 Passion Start/Stop Sedan, grey, Registration date: 08/2010, 71 HP, Petrol, 12.200 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2007
SMART fortwo coupé edition black & white Sedan, white, Registration date: 09/2010, 3.000 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 12.882 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe BRABUS Softouch HIFI HSF Sedan, silver, Registration date: 06/2009, 3.822 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 2-doors 13.799 EUR
SMART Fortwo Cabrio Brabus 72 KW Convertible, silver, Registration date: 09/2009, 2.886 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 18.900 EUR
SMART ForTwo coupe BRABUS Xclusive NEU, silver, Registration date: 06/2010, 5 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 20.888 EUR
SMART ForTwo coupe BRABUS Xclusive NEU, black, Registration date: 06/2010, 1.000 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 24.444 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2007
Smart ForTwo Cabrio 2007
Site: auto-m.com
Photos: Smart
Μερικά από τα πολλά Smart ForTwo Coupe & Cabrio που πωλούνται στην Γερμανική Αγορά -και τιμές:
SMART ForTwo black, Registration date: 09/1999, 123.984 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 2.200 EUR
SMART fortwo Bluemotion, blue, Registration date: 01.10.99, 145.252 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 2.250 EUR
SMART FORTWO KLIMA / PANORAMA / ALU Coupe, white, Registration date: 01.07.02, 108.191 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 3.280 EUR
SMART Fortwo| AUTOMATIK | KLIMA | PANORAMA, black, Registration date: 07/2000, 78.300 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 3.999 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2005
SMART ForTwo Passion Cabrio Sportec Convertible, blue, Registration date: 12/2002, 118.000 km, 76 HP, Petrol, 3.999 EUR
SMART fortwo coupe softtouch pure, black, Registration date: 03/2004, 58.336 km, 50 HP, Petrol, 4.495 EUR
SMART ForTwo passion Aut./Klima/Navi/Alu, silver, Registration date: 01/2002, 55.800 km, 54 HP, Petrol, 4.880 EUR
SMART fortwo cabrio Pure Klima Convertible, red, Registration date: 04/2003, 84.500 km, 61 HP, Petrol, 4.900 EUR
Smart ForTwo 2005
SMART fortwo coupe pure, black, Registration date: 01.02.07, 54.000 km, 50 HP, Petrol, 5.690 EUR
SMART Fortwo Cabrio Passion Halbautomatik Convertible, silver, Registration date: 01.06.04, 66.900 km, 61 HP, Petrol, 6.250 EUR
SMART ForTwo BRABUS 1st Edition Convertible, black, Registration date: 04/2003, 95.000 km, 75 HP, Petrol, 6.888 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe Glasdach, black, Registration date: 04/2007, 34.000 km,.71 HP, Petrol, 7.451 EUR
SMART fortwo coupé pure Autom./HiFi, red, Registration date: 04/2007, 26.300 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 7.990 EUR
Smart ForTwo Cabrio 2005
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pure Coupe, red, Registration date: 07/2009, 13.806 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 8.250 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pure, silver, Registration date: 06/2009, 12.912 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 8.250 EUR
SMART smart fortwo cabrio softtouch BRABUS, Convertible, silver, Registration date: 07/2005, 73.500 km, 75 HP, Petrol, 8.300 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pure Coupe, red, Registration date: 09/2009, 7.408 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 8.490 EUR
Smart ForTwo Cabrio 2005
SMART fortwo coupe passion LEDER KLIMA, white, Registration date: 06/2007, 41.272 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 8.780 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe Passion Sedan, grey, Registration date: 04/2009, 21.070 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 8.999 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Passion Coupe, red, Registration date: 07/2009, 7.080 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.150 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe Passion Soundsystem, blue, Registration date: 06/2009, 8.217 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 9.250 EUR
SMART Fortwo MHD Micro Hybrid Coupe Passion, blue, Registration date: 07/2009, 5.268 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.499 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe & Cabrio 2007
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Passion, silver, Registration date: 02/2010, 6.453 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.550 EUR
SMART fortwo coupe passion KLIMA, grey, Registration date: 06/2009, 8.750 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 9.850 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Coupe, green, Registration date: 09/2009, 7.999 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 2-doors 9.999 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Coupe Pulse, black, Registration date: 05/2009, 9.973 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 10.299 EUR
SMART fortwo coupe passion KLIMA, white, Registration date: 06/2009, 9.600 km, 84 HP, Petrol, 10.780 EUR
Smart ForTwo 2007
SMART fortwo Passion Coupe, grey, Registration date: 04/2010, 50 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 11.250 EUR
SMART Fortwo Micro Hybrid Cabrio Passion Convertible, silver, Registration date: 06/2009, 8.302 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 11.399 EUR
SMART fortwo Cabrio PASSION Convertible, white, Registration date: 04/2010, 3.500 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 11.950 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe 1,0 Passion Start/Stop Sedan, grey, Registration date: 08/2010, 71 HP, Petrol, 12.200 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2007
SMART fortwo coupé edition black & white Sedan, white, Registration date: 09/2010, 3.000 km, 71 HP, Petrol, 12.882 EUR
SMART Fortwo Coupe BRABUS Softouch HIFI HSF Sedan, silver, Registration date: 06/2009, 3.822 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 2-doors 13.799 EUR
SMART Fortwo Cabrio Brabus 72 KW Convertible, silver, Registration date: 09/2009, 2.886 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 18.900 EUR
SMART ForTwo coupe BRABUS Xclusive NEU, silver, Registration date: 06/2010, 5 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 20.888 EUR
SMART ForTwo coupe BRABUS Xclusive NEU, black, Registration date: 06/2010, 1.000 km, 98 HP, Petrol, 24.444 EUR
Smart ForTwo Coupe 2007
Smart ForTwo Cabrio 2007
Site: auto-m.com
Photos: Smart
Kia Sportage 2010 - 2011 - Οι τιμές στην Ιταλία

Οι τιμές του νέου Kia Sportage 2010 - 2011 στην Ιταλία:
Sportage 1.6 GDi Active 2WD 19.950 €
Sportage 2.0 D-CVVT Active 2WD 21.950 €
Sportage 2.0 D-CVVT Class AWD 26.900 €
Sportage 1.7 CRDi VGT Active 2WD 21.950 €
Sportage 2.0 CRDi VGT Active 2WD 23.950 €
Sportage 2.0 CRDi VGT Active AWD 25.950 €
Sportage 1.7 CRDi VGT Class 2WD 24.900 €
Sportage 2.0 CRDi VGT Class AWD 28.900 €

Μεταλλικό χρώμα 600 €
Αυτόματο κιβώτιο 6 σχέσεων 1.500 €
Ηλεκτρική ηλιοροφή 1.000 €
Αισθητήρες παρκαρίσματος πίσω 300 €
Smart Key & Button Start 600 €
Προβολείς xenon & σύστημα πλυσίματος 600 €
Kit Bluetooth + Cruise Control & χειριστήρια στο τιμόνι 450 €
Navigator touch screen, Parking camera, ενισχυτής & subwoofer 1400 €

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Images, Photos: Kia Motors Italia
Crash Test: Suzuki Swift 2010

Frontal impact







Adult occupant
The passenger compartment remained stable during the frontal impact and the dummy readings indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of both driver and passenger. Suzuki demonstrated that occupants of different sizes and those sat in different seating positions would have a similar level of protection against upper leg injuries. In the side barrier impact, protection of the chest was adequate but in the side pole impact the chest protection was only marginal. Whiplash protection in rear impacts was good.
Child occupant
In the frontal impact, the heads of the 3 year and 18 month dummies were protected and only fractions of a point were lost for each seat in the dynamic assessment. In the side impact, both dummies were also well protected. Although the passenger airbag can be disabled to allow for installation of a rearward facing child restraint to be placed on the front passenger seat, the status of the airbag was not clearly indicated. The ISOFIX and top tether attachments were well marked.
The front edge of the bonnet scored no points for the protection it offers to pedestrians' legs. The protection offered by the bumper was predominantly good, as was the protection provided by the bonnet in most areas likely to be struck by the head of a child.
Safety assist
Electronic stability control is standard equipment on all variants, as is a seatbelt reminder for the driver and passenger seats.
Photos, Comments: EuroNCAP
BMW X3 2010 - 2011 - Οι τιμές στην Γαλλία

Οι τιμές της νέας BMW X3 2010 - 2011 στην Γαλλία, γιά την βασική έκδοση Confort:
X3 xDrive 20d 41.350 €
X3 xDrive 30d 50.500 €
X3 xDrive 28i 47.600 €
X3 xDrive 35i 51.500 €

Αυτόματο κιβώτιο 8 σχέσεων 2.350 € (γιά την xDrive 20d)
Ηλεκτρικά ρυθμιζόμενα καθίσματα εμπρός 1.350 €
Θερμαινόμενα καθίσματα εμπρός 380 €
Θερμαινόμενα καθίσματα πίσω 380 €
Θερμαινόμενο τιμόνι 200 €
Συναγερμός 490 €
Ηλιοροφή ανοιγόμενη 1.650 €
Κιτ καπνιστή 45 €
Σάκκος ski & snowboard 120 €
DVD Changer (6) 550 €
Σύστημα Hi-Fi 12 ηχεία 205 W 650 €













Photos: BMW
Crash Test: Hyundai ix35 2010

Frontal impact






Adult occupant
The passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal impact. Dummy readings indicated good protection for the knees and femurs of both driver and passenger. Hyundai presented additional test data which showed that similar levels of protection would be offered to occupants of different sizes and those sat in different positions. In the side barrier impact, dummy readings were good. However, in the more severe side pole test, the curtain airbag got trapped in the door pillar trim and did not deploy fully. As this airbag is intended to provide protection in all types of side impact, a penalty was applied to the head score for both the side barrier test and the side pole test. Chest protection was marginal in the side pole test. The seat and head restraint offered good protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision.
Child occupant
Forward movement of the 3 year dummy, sat in a forward facing seat, was not excessive. In the side impact, both dummies were properly constrained by the protective shells of their restraints. The front passenger's airbag can be disabled to allow a rearward facing child restraint to be used in that seating position and clear information is provided to the driver regarding the status of the airbag. A permanently attached label clearly warns of the dangers of using a child restraint in that seat without first disabling the airbag.
The bumper provided predominantly good protection to pedestrians' legs. However, the front edge of the bonnet offered poor protection and scored no points. The protection offered by the bonnet was good in some areas where a child's head might strike but was marginal away from the centre. Protection for an adult's head was mixed but most areas tested were poor.
Safety assist
Electronic stability control is standard equipment on all variants along with a seatbelt reminder system for the driver and front passenger seats.
Photos, Comments: EuroNCAP
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